Competition Steal the Cookie

Discussion in 'Official Forum Competitions' started by WildCat, Apr 15, 2022.

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  1. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Well, well 005, nice of you to show up with your sporty car that now has had ALL its tires taken and your signal to prevent thiswas jammed by none other than your friend "The Cookie Monster" so now where is the cookie?????
    Shimmer, habalala and IpsiDei like this.
  2. IpsiDei

    IpsiDei Forum Expert

    Today's headlines shout:
    A car hijacked by helicopter was found without tires in a skyscraper.
    Biscuit hunters chase tires. However, the transmitter was moved to plate weights, so unnecessary tracking is in progress.
    The cookie travels in a cabin somewhere in the Mediterranean and leaks its information to the interrogator.
    Shimmer, sanddollar15 and habalala like this.
  3. sueperkins

    sueperkins Forum Connoisseur

    Someone dressed just like Cookie monster hands him a telegram. Cookie Monster reads it, hangs his head, and walks out of the room. He had been replaced, by Veggie Monster. Veggie Monster looks at the item in the glass case that was under the spot light. A cookie, correction THE Cookie was resting on the blue velvet cushion in the case. Cookies are not good for you. Veggie Monster shakes his head and then sends the cookie to a local bakery. Hidden in plain sight with hundreds of identical cookies surrounding it.
  4. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Duke

    but I have a cookie radar, very useful thing, it takes 15 minutes but I FOUND IT ! I think I eat it but then notised someone have to murder me so... no good! Instead of eating it, I place it so so near of me, in my jeans pocket...
  5. sedomances

    sedomances Someday Author

    Right after The Cookie was sent to a local bakery, Interpol intervenes and the police arrests the Veggie Monster for his unspeakable crimes against cookie lovers. The police chief, who is a smart, handsome and well educated dog, Mr. Sniffer, approaches to Veggie Monster and looks at him right in the eye and sniffs him just once. Mr. Sniffer, with his excellent sniffing ability, is able to imagine all the journey of The Cookie. Mr. Sniffer turns around and says to his men ''I know where the precious one is.''. Mr. Sniffer and his squad raids Nuubi-Joonas2210's home while Nuubi-Joonas2210 is outside. They find the jean and the cookie. They leave a note in the same pocket where they took the cookie. The note says ''Thank you. Your strong willpower to not eat this cookie deserves a medal.''. Mr. Sniffer takes the cookie and heads to airport. He is on his way to Area 51 with the cookie. They are going to research the cookie for how it is so identical looking to other cookies, yet being able to so unique.
  6. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Duke

    Ouh... Area51, difficult so difficult but once there was a president mr Trump. He is so mouth / talkative that I only need to call him :)music: how, who nows!) and ask "where is my cookie". He says "Yes cookie, Yes cookies makes America very great" - Even greater than my TOWER... So he tolds vere is the cookie in Area51 and give me a door code to his Tower and I take that cookie, fly to Trump Tower, take a Lift to floor 50 and there is a cola-machine and behind that cola-machine - there is the cookie now! :pxD (this is funny game, nice to invent a continous story!)
    Shimmer, habalala and IpsiDei like this.
  7. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    Did I ever mention I am a cleaner in Trump tower? That Cola-machine is so full of fingerprints, so it needs extra polishing. The cookie drops down and I grab it and smuggle it out in my cleaning cart.
    I am also Park farmer. I have my tiny farm in Park (I won't tell in which Park). I hide the Cookie in my raised plant bed.
    Shimmer, habalala and IpsiDei like this.
  8. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    And the journey of the "cookie" continues! Where, oh where, could it be? and in what park? Some children on an Easter egg hunt in the park come across the cookie in the flower bed, not being candy they toss it away and a pigeon fly's in to have a taste and then a big black crow swoops down and picks it up and fly's off with it!
    Shimmer, habalala and IpsiDei like this.
  9. sueperkins

    sueperkins Forum Connoisseur

    The crow concentrating on not dropping the cookie did not see the helicopter giving the tourists an aerial tour of New York City was suddenly startled and squawked in response. The cookie fell from it's beak and started plummeting back to earth. It had a date with the side walk, but a sudden gust of wind shifted it slightly so it landed on and bounced off the Wacky Waving Inflatable Tube Guy advertising sunglasses and landed in the popcorn vendors kettle.
    Shimmer, habalala and IpsiDei like this.
  10. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    It was a good thing the popcorn vendor was making a new batch of popcorn and as the oil heated the kernels and they started to pop there was enough force to blow the cookie right out of the machine! It was about to hit the ground when a squirrel running by saw
    it and caught it in its tiny paws and ran up the large, tall oak tree to its nest., where it placed the cookie for safe keeping!
    Shimmer, habalala and IpsiDei like this.
  11. birdiesaunt1951

    birdiesaunt1951 Padavan

    My pet raven raided the squirrel's nest and brought me the cookie. I took it to the Butterfly Conservatory in the American Museum of Natural History and hid it inside a flower pot. Everyone was so enthralled with the beautiful butterflies that they never knew it was there!
  12. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Duke

    ... then I need flowers, make an order and sim-sala-bim! In my Gerbera-pot, the first I ever bought :) I put it on the kitchen table, let it be there BUT my window was opened, then a bird fly inside and take that cookie and fly away! I saw it fly towards Europe, perhaps to northern Europe, perhaps to Finland! Hey-what-I live-here! In Finland but were is that cookie now, in Finland but where?
  13. bsr12

    bsr12 Forum Greenhorn

    I found the cookie in Santa Claus Village and hid it inside a present in Santa's sack!
  14. birdiesaunt1951

    birdiesaunt1951 Padavan

    Santa left it in my stocking! I hid it in a snow drift somewhere on my property. We had over 3 feet of snow last night!
  15. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Ambassador

    A very adventurous dachshund was digging in birdiesaunt1951 yard under two meters of snow, and much to his surprise found - not his beloved tennis ball - but a cookie. Not just any old cookie, but THE COOKIE. So being a true friend, Max, the loyal fellow he is, decided to bring the cookie home to his person (me, MeadowCrossing) and swam across the big Pond to land on the shores of Chesapeake Beach, hopped down the bunny trail til he reached the Mississippi River and swam all the way to a bayou in Louisiana where he delivered THE COOKIE to me. Faithful Max, bless his heart. I patted him and told him what a clever fellow he is and traded him a tennis ball for THE COOKIE. The cookie is now in safe keeping in the very bottom of a deep mudbug chimney where it shall remain forever!
  16. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Being a sanddollar I can go to the mudbugs house and steal the cookie back and then bury myself deep in the sand to keep "My precious" cookie till the next adventure!
  17. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    I come tot he sand beach with shovel and bucket to build a sand castle. But what do I find when I dig with my shovel ! A cookie ! I carry it into my bucket and hid it under a coconut tree with the fond hope that it might turn to a coconut cookie.
  18. IpsiDei

    IpsiDei Forum Expert

    I felled coconut trees for the raft and found THE COOKIE.
    We set out to sail the land center to the sea with THE COOKIE.
    No one knows the route there except me.
    Shimmer, habalala and sanddollar15 like this.
  19. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    The storm raged day and night. No one could venture out of their house. In the morning sun came out. The ship with the cookie was wrecked and was laying on the shore damaged. It was the talk of the town. On hearing it I ran to see it. And I saw the jar with the cookie. My cookie once again back to me. I took it eagerly in my hands and was roaming the shores. There a little distance from me I saw a mermaid who was also taking cover on the shore due to the storm. I gave the cookie to her as a gift and we became friends. She promised to take add the cookie to her treasure and keep it as a remembrance.
  20. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Awww how can you steal from a Mermaid!? Well, there also happened to be a loot stealing pirate on that beach watching what was going on and to see if any treasures washed up after the storm. So, he is now on the hunt to find the mermaid and the cookie treasure!
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