Bug Unity Open Beta Community Bug Reporting September 2020

Discussion in 'Help Archive' started by shooger.sweet, Sep 28, 2020.

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  1. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Unity Open Beta Community Bug Reporting September 2020
    Howdy Farmers,

    Thank you for participating to the Unity WebGL Open Beta.​
    Your report will help us improving the overall experience and with the elimination of all issues.
    Before you start creating a bug report please see if your bug has been already reported by another player. You can find a list of known and forwarded issues here (link coming soon)

    For every bug report we kindly request the following details:
    - User ID​
    - Date and Time
    - Your country
    - Location in the game (like e.g. Farmwheel, Magical Beanstalk, Rainforest, Daily Login Bonus or Artisan Village)
    - Detailed error description if possible, including screenshot(s) and frequency (how often does the bug appear: once, always, sometimes?
    - If you can: steps to reproduce the issue.

    Furthermore, it would be great if you could fulfil the Data Collection Survey, especially when reporting a bug: https://forms.gle/ZyQCdEHonQZJVuJM6

    If you have any questions visit our FAQ here.

    Thanks a lot in advance,
    Your Farmerama Team
    AMN50, sanddollar15 and AniE like this.
  2. Floydborder

    Floydborder Forum Apprentice

    Playing in Firefox. There is no green button to switch between Unity and Flash. I've logged out and in several times, but no go.

    I'm reporting it here as it isn't exactly a bug after switching to Unity :)
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2020
    ksa.2011 and stacymaya like this.
  3. igotfrogs

    igotfrogs Forum Overlooker

    hrmmmm just started it up in google chrome ... the mouse tracking seems out ..... click on something and the pop up is way over the other side of the screen ?

    Seasons rewards isnt working in it either
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2020
    CoconutKevy likes this.
  4. 456farmer123

    456farmer123 Padavan

    Season pass reward point is blank, so are the level and rewards.
  5. stacymaya

    stacymaya Junior Expert

    I noticed that it runs very choppy. I tried to play Match-O-Meter and it was impossible. Got a Zero.
    rintha and ctindaldavies like this.
  6. Floydborder

    Floydborder Forum Apprentice

    Just logged out and in again and I have the switch button. Success :)!
    ctindaldavies likes this.
  7. Floydborder

    Floydborder Forum Apprentice

    An it's slooooooooooooooow. Didn't even get through the login before I switched back.
    rintha and ctindaldavies like this.
  8. morva

    morva Forum Apprentice

    I managed to find my way but using the cursor is a bit hit and miss as the arrow does not show when you hover over the itm you want to click on, ok things are highlighted but not easy to see in most cases , I would prefer to see the cursor over the item I want to click on rather than making a rough guess as to where it is or a sort of click and miss -
    Just tried again and trying to play the event is taking ages especially with no cursor showing and I can see many fields being deleted by mistake because of this -I am going back to flash to play in the hope this will get sorted
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2020
    ctindaldavies likes this.
  9. 1msech2006

    1msech2006 Forum Inhabitant

    When I clicked on the green unity tab the screen went dark gray and it did not load. I logged out and played on the flash. I tried again after reading about others having difficulties with this new system. Sooo.... I waited over 5 minutes for unity to load. The game is so slow and when using the harvester the game freezes all he time. I refresh the game several times while playing in order to unfreeze the game. I keep getting a message from my computer that the pluggin is not working. I have an old computer. Could an old computer be my problem?? I switched back to flash and have had no problems. I hope these problems will be resolved before December because I really cannot play Farmerama because of these frustrating problems. And I cannot afford to buy a new computer.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2020
    nur_ay and ctindaldavies like this.
  10. ibjewelb

    ibjewelb Forum Greenhorn

    When trying to plant in Bahamarama on Unity, I can't get my second page of plants to switch over. It keeps disappearing before I get to the arrow.
    cpeterson and ctindaldavies like this.
  11. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    I tried to play balloon-shooting at Renzo's. It looked nice and balloons appeared, but I couldn't shoot them. At least I targeted them, but nothing happened, when I clicked the mouse.

    ID: 20078568
    Date: 30.9.2020 Time: about 20.15
    Country: Finland
    suezoroc and igotfrogs like this.
  12. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Switched the baby farm (PrairieMaiden23) to Unity. Running on Chrome.

    Noticed that the gold leaf trees have a red bar where animated eyebrows should be. Also unable to type in search box for trees/stables/etc. Cursor shows up and then disappears, no typing can be done.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2020
    ctindaldavies likes this.
  13. Floydborder

    Floydborder Forum Apprentice

    I haven't seen anybody mentioning it yet - sorry if somebody has - but I find the Unity screen display really wearing on the eyes. It's quite uncomfortable to look at. And I haven't got any medical problems :).
  14. -matselleste-

    -matselleste- Forum Duke

    When typing a message to neighbors, the screen flickers with each keystroke. Exhausting...
    Frenchmom14261 and ctindaldavies like this.
  15. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    Newspaper shows red unread dots which do not disapper or reduce number while you read new pages. They disapear after you close newsaper. But they will return, if you refresh game.

    Fonts overlap. In FSQ the first one is "Punahännän haave", it looks like "Purahänrän haave". Not the worst case of all quests, but it is first one.

    Cannot use search in special items inventory to get all my crates. When I use some of them, inventory jumps to first page.

    Some items are "loading flowers".
    Pet-playground: Iloinen luistelu, Kangasmainen temppu V, Merisinfonia
    Park: Automaattiseppele 5000, Pakkasisku
    Haunted Manor: Kukikas tulikärpäsleikkikenttä

    Cannot seed anything from right column of first page. Cannot enter second or third page. Seed menu disappers when I move mouse to right.

    Game freezes, cannot close item inventory in shipwreck bay, did same earlier somewhere, so I had to return to flash version. I am not sure, which inventory I had open that time.

    ID: 20078568
    Date: 30.9.2020
    Country: Finland, Using Finnish game with Firefox
    gr_6153 likes this.
  16. mika-1986

    mika-1986 Advanced

    google chrome and microsoft edge browser unity tried and takes your computer's CPU powers high what flash doesn't take high. Will there be a change to this that not so much CPU power is taken from the machine? Have others noticed the same?

    I have Unity put the CPU at about 80 % heights. :(

    Country: Finland

    Date: 30.9.2020
    ctindaldavies likes this.
  17. mindy1701

    mindy1701 Count Count

    Abiu trees don't load - just stay as loading flowers
    Blue Jay and Pleco fish don't display either - also, when harvesting, the harvest icon does not disappear until stall has been cleaned

    Edit: in the market - selection buttons seem to be reversed: click on the barn and get island items; click on the island hut and get main farm items. A small point all things considered.

    Edit 2: when loading the menagerie, the search function does not work so must toggle to the desired animal. After filling a slot, the page returns to the first animal and must toggle once more to desired animal. Time consuming to fill 8 slots.

    Edit 3: when clicking on red shopping basket, you can no longer see BBs, CCs, etc in all areas except Shop-O-Rama. It works normally when in Supply Shop.

    ID: 44197939
    current Firefox
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2020
  18. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    Interesting prices in seed-shop:

    ID: 20078568
    ctindaldavies and asta.neiti like this.
  19. Noelle20001

    Noelle20001 Forum Duke

    Using Edge: Hand harvesting icon is shifted up and to the right. I can't harvest the right side of my screen because of this. When I harvest the top of my screen, I keep going to the barn, mill, etc. Also, one of my neighbors doesn't show up in my gift list when using Unity but they show up with Flash.

    I will try with Firefox later to see if this is a problem there too.
    FarmerSundance and ctindaldavies like this.
  20. -matselleste-

    -matselleste- Forum Duke

    With Firefox, can't reply to mail, or type a message longer than the available screen. None of the other above listed problems re pages or shifting. haven't tried buying seeds yet.
    1msech2006 and ctindaldavies like this.
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