Bug Unity Open Beta Community Bug Reporting September 2020

Discussion in 'Help Archive' started by shooger.sweet, Sep 28, 2020.

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  1. SaSuz

    SaSuz Someday Author

    I tried Unity but as I put before it shows that all my crops and trees etc are not ready to be harvested when they are. Tried Unity again today, missing most of the events including the icon on the main field so I cannot access it (by the way I have fuel but its still not working normally either? and Renzo is available for me? Until I know its sorted I will avoid Unity as it just isn't working in any way shape or form :( Well except for being able access Renzos lol

    edit to add user id 29989055
  2. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    Season Tokens can not be redeemed using Chrome and Unity
  3. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    Pastry from the Void II:
    It does not show, what to deliver. Mouseover shows, what is needed as well as i-button.

    ID: 20078568
    Date: 21.10.2020
    Country: Finland

    I do not know, what just happened :eek: I harvested my cloud rows eventhough nothing seemed to be ready. Points were shown under my EP-bar. After that I found my main field empty. There should have been oats.

    I made some testing. I propably used normal harvester (reported earlier here) and it harvested my main field from magical stalk. It happened again with cress in main field as well, when I tried again.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2020
  4. suezoroc

    suezoroc Advanced

    Animation setting when turned off, some trees, stables, workshops and ep givers still have animation
  5. marlenef24

    marlenef24 Forum Expert

    I am here only to confirm that the game is very to extremely slow when played in Unity:(, also I had issue with the moving arrow and I could only solve it by switching back to Flash and couple of times logging out . Overall I can say that only a much improved version of the current Unity game could keep us going, otherwise it will be game out...sorry but I can not envisage myself playing under the current condition...it would drive me insane>:(
    BlackCaviar, mausorvo and farmerumf like this.
  6. SaSuz

    SaSuz Someday Author

    I know I have said before and it has been said by others. Animation is still on when I have it turned off, Renzos fair is still available to play and crops and trees etc are not showing as ready to harvest when they are. Im checking weekly but none of these issues are fixed yet and I cannot see them on the list waiting to be fixed? Until sorted I will keep to flash. Good luck with sorting all the bugs out :)
  7. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    The Halloween Calendar does not show up in the Event Place in Unity. Switched back to Flash, ...it's working there. >:(
  8. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Unity isn't working for me at all since yesterday morning ... just a very colourful page showing a market place with a speech window giving lots of different messages and a spinning sunflower. :(

    Tried on Chrome and Firefox.

    Edit 1: Just returned to my farm on Chrome and while writing this, Unity loaded. So it is just taking a very long time.

    Edit 2: Firefox is the same, just taking longer to load Unity.

    Further edit: I now see that this is probably replacing the opening page of the game, taking the place of the little sheep with the wheelbarrow. It is moving a bit faster now.

    I have been trying to use Unity on my lesser farms where I haven't too much to do and I am finding it more and more easy to use.

    Biggest drawbacks for me are

    1) I cannot see my neighbours names at the top of my list when I want to send them gifts.
    2) Newer items are not available in the Market listings.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2020
    Noelle20001 and Banjoman like this.
  9. Solatido

    Solatido Forum Master

    White poplar tree shows up as a neon pink splotch in magical glade.
    Banjoman likes this.
  10. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    I see pink over many items.
    Quokka, Nutcracker Factory and Joshua trees are covered with pink in rainforest (picture).
    Slash pines in plantation.
    Mantis habit II and Nutcracker Faktories in Crystal fields.
    Darn this tread V in Shipwreck bay,
    Cursed relick, Fossil hunters, Ancient quip and Ancient curse in Castaway coast.
    Fabri-tastic stunt V in pet playfield.
    Just a small pink area over the XXL gold-leaf tree in Magical glade.

    ID: 20078568
    Country: Finland
    jäniksenpelätti and Banjoman like this.
  11. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Safety Cones Factory do not appear ready to harvest under Unity but are ready with Flash.
    Banjoman likes this.
  12. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker


    I can't harvest by hand that one plot partly behind info in mushroomforest. I am also wondering why some plots are different colour after harvesting like the one in the bottom of picture. There are several of them, not just that one in the picture.

    ID: 20078568
    jäniksenpelätti and Banjoman like this.
  13. -matselleste-

    -matselleste- Forum Duke

    Using Firefox, in the US, I use the harvester so many of the complaints that have been voiced have not been things I've noticed. What I DO notice is: I cannot reply to any messages in the post office. When using the Builder, if I've selected "Trees", after I place whatever trees I want, when I reopen the tab, it has gone back to "All". This is highly aggravating. The same thing occurs in the mill - if I select a type of feed to make, based upon the one of which I have the least amount, when I click on the second slot in the mill, it has gone right back to the top of the list. I would imagine these are simple coding issues and have not been dealt with because there are much more pressing things - but they are concerns. Lastly, like many others, I find the text too busy and hard on the eyes after more than a few seconds of trying to look at things.
  14. 03mg

    03mg Forum Greenhorn

    Unity Open Beta doen't open at some browsers and too slow at other browser I believe as FARMERAM team you are going solve.
  15. siderofarmer

    siderofarmer Forum Greenhorn

    I'm sorry that I tried.
  16. jäniksenpelätti

    jäniksenpelätti Forum Mogul

    This message "Enjoy a time out while Farmerama is loading" feels a bit... well, mocking, when the Unity thingy is being super slow. Like you people want people to stop playing.

    Please could you give the option of keeping the old seed tab, without the fancy borders? It's hard enough when it's not in my language anymore and if the icons look different it's even harder.

    The mouse movements are a bit laggy and more uncontrolled than on Flash.

    When I go back to the map from Bahamarama the sun looks like rays that don't move, at least not much, and it's fine but when I go back to the map from the Farm side the sun transforms into moving bubbles. What are those bubbles supposed to be? What kind of sunshine comes out as bubbles? Did some disease vector sneeze really really bad or is it dust bubbles and way past the cleaning time on the farm or what?
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2020
    Willow, joanc123 and ctindaldavies like this.
  17. Willow

    Willow Commander of the Forum

    Using Firefox. On Green Meadow I am unable to manually clear a small plot of land at the field corner where the barn and water tower meet. I can clear all plots with the builder.
    ctindaldavies likes this.
  18. nortonc

    nortonc Forum Pro

    Animation still does not stop even though switched off. Game is a bit faster now, but still clumsy.
    Farmerpen likes this.
  19. Mrs_Virus

    Mrs_Virus Forum Greenhorn

    Translations gone. Both edge and chrome tries to translate from germany to my native and all the text is in english, so no translation done. Also when tried to set language as english from to transfer to finnish - nothing happens. Basically I lost totally local language.
  20. oceangopher

    oceangopher Forum Apprentice

    Using Firefox, User ID: 879215. When using the mill in unity the favorites button doesn't seem to work. It lets you pick favorites but doesn't sort them separately when you click favorites.
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